1200 Tech, ProCyco (Professional recycle) helps maximize its best power performance while charging.
Supercell grid - EBL batteries produced using supercell grid technology, are designed to have a large internal capacity for energy storage, ensuring a steady voltage and optimal performance during high-demand discharge.
High capacity - No longer to worry about the endurance of the batteries, EBL 2800mAh will provide ultra strong power for your devices to performance well and operate longer.
Low self-discharge - Embedded seal structure expand the space of crystal lattice, make more room for hydrogen, so EBL batteries will holds 80% power after 3 years benefit from its concentration to low self-discharge project
Safety assurance - Ni-MH eco-friendly cell, doesn't contain Hg/Cd/Pb, makes no pollution to the environment, and using DBCK steel shell which can protect the battery against explosion due to overpressure.
EBL 2800mAh Ready2Charge AA Rechargeable Batteries - 16 Pack
1200 Tech, ProCyco (Professional recycle) helps maximize its best power performance while charging.
Supercell grid - EBL batteries produced using supercell grid technology, are designed to have a large internal capacity for energy storage, ensuring a steady voltage and optimal performance during high-demand discharge.
High capacity - No longer to worry about the endurance of the batteries, EBL 2800mAh will provide ultra strong power for your devices to performance well and operate longer.
Low self-discharge - Embedded seal structure expand the space of crystal lattice, make more room for hydrogen, so EBL batteries will holds 80% power after 3 years benefit from its concentration to low self-discharge project
Safety assurance - Ni-MH eco-friendly cell, doesn't contain Hg/Cd/Pb, makes no pollution to the environment, and using DBCK steel shell which can protect the battery against explosion due to overpressure.